Technological advancements in bio-optical, acoustic, and chemical sensors may
allow more refined and comprehensive sampling in both time and space. While
some of these instruments may be commercially available, the need exists for
development and/or application, of technologies for specific program tasks under
the conditions imposed by the extreme subarctic environment. Further, the
technological development needs to commence when this program starts so that a
viable product results prior to when the program ends. At present, Acoustic
Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) with calibrated backscatter (Flagg and Smith
1989) are moored in trawl resistant cages. Using artificial intelligence and a
profiling package replete with temperature, optical and sample collecting
abilities, one can envision directly sampling zooplankton whenever dramatic
changes occur in backscatter strength to provide ground truth.
Technologies also need to be developed for more direct biological applications.
Theilacker et al. (1996) developed indices of the physiological condition and
feeding of larval pollock in Shelikof Strait based on changes in molecular
(biochemical), cellular and tissue characteristics. While these technologies
may easily be transferred to larval pollock in the Bering Sea, similar
development may be required for other zooplankton predators.