Chairman: Percy Donaghay Participants: Joseph Katz, Uwe Kils, Gustav Paffenhofer, Rudi Strickler
A variety of excellent two- (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) video systems have been developed for making these measurements under controlled conditions (see reviews by Price et al., 1988; Dickey, 1988; Schulze et al., 1992). These systems range from low-resolution systems designed to measure swimming behavior (Bugwatcher, e.g., Buskey and Swift, 1983; 1985), to high-resolution systems designed to measure feeding appendage motions and particle capture (Alcaraz et al., 1980). These techniques have recently been extended to allow tracking of single individuals over time (CritterCam-2D and CritterSpy-3D), as well as examination of the behavior of groups of individuals (Bugwatcher). Extensive motion analysis software has also been developed. High-resolution systems for in situ two-dimensional video measurements have recently been developed for measuring feeding (CritterCam, Bergeron et al., 1988) and predator-prey interactions (ecoSCOPE, Kils, 1992) in the ocean. The critical factor limiting application to in situ rate measurements is the lack of development of stable, nonintrusive deployment platforms. High resolution three-dimensional systems have not been developed for use in the ocean primarily because they are far more intrusive than 2D systems, although 3D videography using multiple orthogonally-oriented cameras has been recently used to study the behavioral interactions of relatively large organisms (fish and shrimp) (W. Hamner, pers. comm.).
The technology for making these measurements does not currently exist, but motion-sensing holographic systems are under development to make these measurements in the ocean and in the lab. Prototype hardware testing should begin in two years. The critical factor limiting application to in situ rate measurements is the development of the sensor hardware and data processing techniques. The lack of development of stable, non-intrusive deployment platforms will also limit some applications.
Various arrays of the required video sensors are undergoing prototype testing in the field (e.g., Video Plankton Recorder (Davis et al., 1992a; 1992b); ecoSCOPE (Kils, 1992)). These systems provide sufficient quality images that visual methods can be used to identify two-dimensional spatial patterns at the species level. Routine use of these systems for spatial mapping is severely limited by image analysis software development (see Biomass Estimation Working Group Report). The holographic systems currently under development could also be used to measure gradients.
Bulk optical sensors measuring transmission, scattering, fluorescence and absorption at single or multiple wavelengths that could provide the required information exist or are under development . The utility of these measurements for estimating "signature" properties should greatly increase as spectral optical devices move from prototype to commercial instruments. Prototype tests have demonstrated the feasibility of developing biological/physical microstructure profiling systems that can be deployed free-fall in survey mode (laser/fiber optic profiler (Cowles et al., 1991)) or from stable platforms (bio-optical surface profiler (Donaghay et al., 1992)). The primary factor limiting routine measurement of fine structure during both surveys and rate experiments is the development of combinations of non-intrusive sensor configurations and nonintrusive sampling platforms.
Accurate measurement of an in situ rate process and fine-scale structure is dependent on developing non-intrusive sensor packages that do not disturb the structure and processes they are measuring. These problems are particularly critical for systems designed to collect time series data on behavior. Recent prototype work, however, has demonstrated that major advances can be made in this area by reducing instrument size through use of micro-optics and micro-electronics. Major progress can also be made by using optical relay techniques (fiber optics, relay lenses, range gating) to increase the distance between the sensor and the sensed volume. The working group strongly recommends that these technologies be exploited not only in developing new sensors, but also in reconfiguring existing and prototype sensors into operational instruments.
This is a first-order problem that severely restricts the use of both existing and future optical systems for measuring in situ rates. Small sub-surface platforms (including manned submersibles and remotely operated vehicles) hold the greatest potential for rapidly developing the capability to follow a single group of zooplankton over time while making behavioral observations. This capability is essential to making the in situ rate process measurements discussed above. The working group therefore strongly recommends that non-intrusive techniques be developed and tested for deploying these sensor systems from both existing small manned submersibles and from small unmanned platforms associated with those submersibles (Donaghay, 1989).
Two closely related sensor integration problems must be resolved. First, techniques must be developed that ensure that all recorded data can be interrelated in time and space. Although this problem sounds trivial for the systems with a fixed (i.e., Eulerian) frame of reference, the problem is more difficult when the coordinate system is constantly moving with the group of plankton being observed. Second, "smart sampling" techniques must be developed that allow real time analysis of data from one or more sensors to be used to control the timing and location of sampling by higher resolution systems. Prototype tests (bio-optical and density surface sampling, OPC triggered video camera) have demonstrated that the development of "smart sampling" techniques is an excellent way to reduce post-experiment data analysis to manageable levels, yet still insure that critical data are collected.
Many of the imaging optical sensors under development have the potential to provide information critical to the interpretation of bulk optic and acoustic sensors. At the same time, the bulk optic and acoustic sensors have considerable potential for guiding high-resolution sampling. System integration is needed, i.e., electronic coordination of data acquisition from different sensors which cover the same water volume at the same time.
Current capabilities for analyzing images to identify species are clearly inadequate to allow automated processing of the large numbers of images that will be produced by these systems. Although it is doubtful that deficiencies in data handling and pattern recognition will limit progress in rate measurements in the near term (where problems (a)-(d) are of greatest concern), the development of these capabilities should begin immediately since they will require years to perfect.