Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics

A Component of the U.S. Global Change Research Program

Dynamics of Open Ocean Populations

Report of a U.S. GLOBEC Workshop

Report Number 14

July 1995

This is a report of the U.S. GLOBEC Workshop on the Dynamics of Open Ocean Populations held in Woods Hole, MA, USA, at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution from 13-15 September, 1993. Laurence Madin and Michael Landry co-chaired the workshop and compiled and edited this report.

Produced by

Scientific Steering Committee Coordinating Office
Department of Integrative Biology
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3140

Phone:	510-643-0877
FAX:	510-643-6264
E-mail:	kaygold@uclink2.berkeley.edu

Additional copies of this report may be obtained from the above address

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