Scientific Goal and Objectives
The overarching goal of U.S. GLOBEC is to understand ecosystem dynamical
processes in order to be able to predict the response of the ocean
ecosystem and the stability of the marine food web to climate change.
It embraces the following more specific objectives:
- To determine physical influences and biophysical interactions in planktonic communities;
- To understand the dynamics of zooplankton (i.e., holoplankton, meroplankton, and ichthyoplankton) and their interactions with both lower and higher trophic levels; and,
- To identify probable changes in living marine resources resulting from climate change.
To achieve these objectives U.S. GLOBEC will:
- assess basic system characteristics
- benchmark populations and their environments including their natural variabilities
- measure biological and physical processes and rates
- characterize ecosystem sensitivity to climate forcing at regional to planetary scales
- determine critical global change variables
- design an operational ecosystem monitoring system which couples observations and modeling.
See Table 1 for details.
U.S. GLOBEC has identified several ocean ecosystem types for emphasis.
To date these include: banks, shelves and shallow seas; eastern boundary
currents; the Southern Ocean; and, critical regions of the open ocean.
The detailed scientific objectives for these systems are presented in
the next section.