
Click on a Question to see specific responses.

  1. What is (are) our ultimate goal(s)?

  2. Where are we positioned now?--Present status of recruitment modeling.

  3. What would be the next successive steps?

  4. Which are the variables causing most of the recruitment variability?

  5. Which are the variables mainly responsible for mortality?

  6. What detail on small scales is needed to determine and model recruitment?

  7. What happens to zooplankton in optimal vs. suboptimal conditions?

  8. Recruitment (secondary production) modeling: What degree of differentiation is envisioned concerning:
    • regions?
    • taxonomic groups?
For several questions, the responses covered a wide range and some gave considerable detail. Other questions resulted in low variability of answers. Most of the workshop participants usually did not limit themselves to direct comments on modeling but viewed the secondary production modeling issue in a wider frame, i.e., what is needed to enhance our understanding of production in the ocean. This in turn led to comments on needed empirical observations.