September 13 0800 - Continental Breakfast 0830 - Madin/Landry: Welcome and Introduction 0900 - McGowan: Community structure in the Central Pacific Gyre 0930 - LeBorgne: Tropical zooplankton populations 1000 - Break 1030 - Head: Zooplankton community dynamics in the North Atlantic 1100 - Michaels/Landry: Research at BATS and HOTS sites 1130 - Paffenhöfer: Feeding biology of oceanic copepods 1200 - Lunch (Buttery) 1330 - Miller: Ecology of leptocephali in the open ocean 1400 - Graves: Population genetics of pelagic fishes 1430 - Bucklin: Molecular population genetics of zooplankton 1500 - Break 1530 - Caswell: Population regulation: physical and biological factors 1600 - Moore: Cell proliferation and growth rate 1630 - open 1700 - Adjourn September 14 0800 - Continental Breakfast 0830 - Working Groups A and B 1030 - Break 1230 - Lunch (in situ) 1330 - Working Groups C and D 1500 - Break 1730 - Adjourn 1900 - Dinner at Landfall restaurant, Woods Hole September 15 0800 - Continental Breakfast 0830 - Oral summaries from Working Groups 1000 - Break 1030 - Working Group report writing 1200 - Lunch (in situ) 1300 - Opportunities and Implementation - General Discussion 1500 - Adjourn