A schedule for the different components of the Georges Bank Study is
shown in Figure 13. The study is envisioned to begin in 1993 with the
major field experiments to be conducted in 1994, 1996, and 1998. During
these even-numbered years, smaller-scale process studies will be
undertaken in parallel with comprehensive broad-scale studies. The
decision on which process studies to emphasize in which year will depend
on several factors. These include scientific rationale, status of
supporting technology and methodology, and availability of resoures
(especially scientific personnel, instrumentation, shiptime, and
funding). Some work in each process area could be undertaken in each
year. The plan at present is to conduct mixing/stratification studies
in 1994, source/retention/exchange studies in 1996, and cross-frontal
mixing studies in 1998. In the intervening years, 1995 and 1997, less
intensive broad-scale survey work should be conducted to monitor
inter-annual variability. Some process-oriented work directed at
measurement of vital rates affecting population dynamics may be
continued as well. Some elements of the long-term physical/ biological
moored array should be maintained continuously through 1993-1998 to
observe conditions during the rest of each year and also to monitor
inter-annual variability. Instrument and other technological
developments are envisioned to proceed until 1997. Planning meetings
and data analysis workshops will be convened at least once per year; a
coordinating group should meet more frequently in order to manage the
program efffectively.
Shiptime is required for broad-scale surveys, process studies, and
setting and retrieving moorings and drifters, allocated as follows:
# of Cruises # of Days/Cruise Total Days/Year
1994 9 16 144
1995 6 16 96
1996 9 16 144
1997 6 16 96
1998 9 16 144
1994 3 21 63
1995 0 0 0
1996 3 21 63
1997 0 0 0
1998 3 21 63
1994 3 7 21
1995 3 7 21
1996 3 7 21
1997 3 7 21
1998 3 7 21