Some Criteria for Ranking Species Importance for Study in the U.S. GLOBEC California Current Program
- Likely to be impacted under hypothetical climate change scenarios
- Economically or ecologically important, either as a dominant member of CCS communities or through interactions with other species
- Has larval planktonic stage or is holoplanktonic
- Evidence that life history variability is linked to environmental variability
- Widely distributed within CCS, providing opportunity for latitudinal comparisons
- Life-histories and/or ecological interactions representative of many other species
- Demonstrated evidence of long-term shifts in abundance. (CCS, other EBCs or in models)
- Distribution associated with physical features and/or faunal boundaries
- Analogous species occur in other ecosystems (EBCs, etc.)
- Has existing long-term record of abundance (e.g., CalCOFI or paleoecological)