IAI Workshop on Comparative Studies of Oceanic, Coastal and Estuarine Processes in Temperate Zones
by Ruben Lara Lara
August 2-6, 1993, Montevideo, Uruguay was the setting for IAI's first
workshop to advance the science agenda for the topic Comparative Studies
of Oceanic, Coastal and Estuarine Processes in Temperate Zones. Over 80
scientists from the region, as well as representatives from
international programs participated in a three day symposium on oceanic,
coastal and estuarine processes in temperate zones, in which scientists
from throughout the region shared their research studies and programs.
The Institute held a two-day workshop during which scientific experts
from across the Americas collaborated in producing an extensive report
with recommendations on IAI's science agenda for this topic.
The workshop consisted of six working groups: Oceanic Processes; Coastal
Processes; Estuarine, Coastal, Lagoons, Fjords, Rivers and Salt Marshes
Processes; Data Management and Communications; IAI and International
Programs; and Capacity and Needs for Education and Training. The
following are conclusions from each working group on initial steps which
need to be taken in the development of the research program:
Oceanic Processes. The temperate coasts of North and South America
present a unique global research opportunity to compare two pairs of
eastern and western boundary currents that share some important features
but differ in others. Some of the key issues that should be addressed
from this comparative perspective to further our understanding of the
impacts of global change on oceanic processes are:
- Development of an oceanographic climatology on a seasonal basis for the south Pacific and Atlantic Oceans;
- Enhancement of continental shelf/slope survey efforts based on determined key spatial and temporal scales of variability;
- Implementation of a continuing sequence of process studies;
- Development and exploitation of retrospective records, i.e., use of high-resolution anaerobic marine sediments;
- Description and understanding of the interdecadal change in oceanic ecosystems;
- Development or adaptation of numerical models of atmospheric and oceanic circulation, and ecosystem response to be applied to Southern Hemisphere regions;
- Advancement of our understanding of plankton distributions and their interannual variability between the northern and southern temperate oceanic zones of the Americas.
Coastal Processes. This working group arrived at the following six
general issues which must be addressed so that we may gain an improved
understanding of the impacts of global change in the coastal zone:
- Determine the mean state of the atmospheric and oceanic climate;
- Describe the typical scales of variability of the atmospheric and oceanic climate;
- Understand the key responses of coastal ecosystems to the spatio-temporal scales of variability;
- Determine the processes which control the variability of the atmospheric and oceanic climate and their interaction;
- Define the interactions of these processes with socioeconomic systems and increasing human population;
- Incorporate the coastal zone processes into both stochastic and mechanistic predictive models.
Estuaries, Coastal Lagoons, Fjords, Rivers and Salt Marshes. These
environments at the land-sea interface are the buffer zone between land
and ocean. This interface therefore is the receptacle for most natural
and anthropogenic materials reaching the ocean from land. The working
group concluded that there are five key issues to address in these
- Evaluate the release of human generated materials either directly or indirectly into semi-enclosed coastal ecosystems;
- Separate the effects of overharvesting or overcultivation from other anthropogenic and natural effects on these ecosystems;
- Study how river flow modifications impact the biotic communities and biogeochemical cycles;
- Understand the morphological, hydrological and hydrographic changes associated with sea level rise;
- Evaluate the alteration of shoreline and bottom topography during near-shore development activities.
One of the greatest challenges faced by the workshop participants was the
integration of policy-relevant issues into the natural science
perspective. As one of IAI's founding principals, the integration of
natural and social sciences has to be advanced in order for the regional
community to reach a comprehensive understanding of global change and
its impact on society. This integration is an increasingly needed step
if we are to work towards a sustainable future.
Training and Education. Several approaches to promoting multi-national
and international training and education in IAI Member Nations were
considered. Some possible approaches include: fostering cooperative
multinational and interdisciplinary research programs; promoting visits
and short-term courses of scientists with recognized areas of expertise;
convening regional meetings for natural and social scientists; updating
undergraduate and graduate-level curricula; supporting exchange visits,
pre- and post-doctoral training opportunities in member IAI countries
and joint research projects; and developing modeling capabilities in the
Data and Information Management. Data and information management
provides a critical bridge between national and international global
change observations and scientific understanding. This knowledge is the
keystone of effective policy decisions regarding environmental issues.
During this workshop, scientists from throughout the region agreed on
the need to use the data management infrastructure already available in
other international programs to facilitate access to data throughout the
entire regional scientific community.
IAI and Other International Programs. A broad range of international
interactions among global, regional, and national programs addressing
the IAI scientific objectives and the major cross-cutting issues such as
data exchange and management, modeling, and capacity building are
necessary for effective and efficient planning and implementation of
such efforts. During the workshop, we reached the conclusion that the
main objectives of these interactions should include efforts to
facilitate and encourage coordination and cooperation among programs to
more optimally use scientific resources, including personnel,
facilities, and financial resources; and also to cooperate in
identifying priorities and significant gaps that need to be filled to
ensure complementarity among the programs.