The U.S. GLOBEC Scientific Steering Committee, Arabian Sea Implementation Committee, and Program Office strongly believe that the science issues (for both levels of implementation) detailed in U.S. GLOBEC Report No. 9 on the Arabian Sea represent excellent science. At this time, however, U.S. GLOBEC, because of lack of funds and an underfunded, concurrent program in the NW Atlantic, does NOT anticipate the release of a directed announcement of opportunity for U.S. GLOBEC funding of research in the Arabian Sea in the near-term (i.e., during 1994-1996).
We would point out that three major programs will have ship-resources in the Arabian Sea during the 1994-96 period (most of which are already fully committed). In addition, there are two cruises of a NOAA research vessel scheduled (one in spring [intermonsoon] and one in summer [monsoon] of 1995) for the Arabian Sea. These cruises will be focusing on the interactions of marine organisms with their environment in a GLOBEC sense. Plans are to sample near the JGOFS, ONR/ARI mooring site(s) as well as to traverse the upwelling region. There may be opportunities for participation on these research cruises. Contact for obtaining more information about these NOAA cruises to the Arabian Sea is Dr. Peter B. Ortner at 305-361-4384 (phone), 305-361-4582 (fax), or P.ORTNER (Omnet). Funding for participation on these cruises will have to be obtained from agencies in the usual manner for unsolicited proposals.