GLOBEC Open Science Meeting
Paris, 17-20 March 1998
GLOBEC (Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics) was adopted in 1995 by IGBP as a new
Core Project, with co-sponsorship from SCOR and IOC. Its goal is to advance our
understanding of the structure and functioning of the global ocean ecosystem,
its major subsystems, and its response to physical forcing so that a capability
can be developed to forecast the responses of the marine ecosystem to global
change. Objectives and research foci of GLOBEC are laid down in the Science Plan
which will shortly be published.
During 1997, the Scientific Steering Committee of GLOBEC, in collaboration with
GLOBEC key researchers, will develop an Implementation Plan for GLOBEC. The
First Open Science Meeting of GLOBEC will serve to present a draft of this
Implementation Plan to the international science community and provide a forum
for its discussion, and for feedback.
The Meeting will feature invited plenary key note presentations on GLOBEC, its
major subprojects and and their implementation. In parallel sessions, additional
invited contributions in smaller groups will address specific topics such as
regional GLOBEC initiatives, relationships with other IGBP Core Projects (e.g.
JGOFS, LOICZ, PAGES) and other programmes such as WCRP (WOCE, CLIVAR), GOOS, the
Large Marine Ecosystems Project (LME) and the International Human Dimension
Programme (IHDP). GLOBEC researchers are encouraged to display contributed
posters on concepts, results and conclusions of their own research. One session
will be devoted to training, education and capacity building within GLOBEC.
The Meeting is open to any individual scientist interested in GLOBEC. It is
organised by the Scientific Steering Committee of GLOBEC with the joint
co-sponsorship of IGBP, the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) and
the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC). Support for a limited
number of scientists from developing countries may be available.
Organising Committee
Professor Dag Aksnes (Norway), Dr Jürgen Alheit (Germany), Dr Roger Harris
(United Kingdom), Dr Tsumotu Ikeda (Japan), Dr Ian Perry (Canada), and Dr
Qisheng Tang (China).
Date and Venue
The GLOBEC Open Science Meeting will be held 17-20 March 1998 at the
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of Unesco, Paris, France.
Further Information
Chairman of the GLOBEC Scientific Steering Committee: Dr. Roger Harris, Plymouth
Marine Laboratory, Prospect Place, Plymouth PL1 3DH, England. Tel: +44-1752-633
400, Fax: +44-1752-633 101, e-mail: