Third Annual U.S. GLOBEC Pan-Regional Synthesis Workshop
17 February - 20 February 2009
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Boulder, Colorado
- Archive of Presentation Slides
- Download Video of Presentations
- Workshop Agenda
- Workshop Participant List
The U.S. GLOBEC National Office announces that its Third Annual Pan-Regional Synthesis Workshop will be held in Boulder Colorado at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Center Green Campus. The Workshop will open with a plenary address and reception on Tuesday evening, 17 February 2009, and conclude by mid-day on Friday, 20 February 2009. An agenda will be developed and distributed once the registration is completed.
U.S. GLOBEC (GLOBal ocean ECosystems dynamics) is a research program organized by oceanographers and fisheries scientists to address the question of how climate variability including global climate change may affect the structure and function of marine ecosystems. U.S. GLOBEC has comprised three regional programs -- Northwest Atlantic/Georges Bank, Northeast Pacific, and Southern Ocean -- and a series of technology and modeling development projects. A brief introduction to U.S. GLOBEC -- including links to its publications and available datasets -- may be found here.
The focus of the U.S. GLOBEC program is now on comparing and contrasting the results from the different regions in the prior phases of U.S. GLOBEC, and on extending these results with comparisons to, or tests within, other comparable ecosystems.
How to register: Those attending the Workshop (in person or via the web) should register here. For those unable to attend in person, Web-based streaming of the plenary sessions of the Workshop will be available.
Travel support for this Workshop will be available through the U.S. GLOBEC National Office for US Academic PIs and Co-PIs on funded PRS proposals. Other US academic participants may be supported if additional travel funds become available. Please indicate support needs on the registration page.
Hotels: A block of rooms have been reserved at the Marriott Resident Inn and the The Best Western Boulder Inn. The rooms will be held until 06 January 2009. For more information click here.
Inquiries concerning the Workshop may be directed to the Chair of the U.S. GLOBEC Standing Committee for Synthesis, Dr. Dale Haidvogel (