Second Annual U.S. GLOBEC Pan-Regional Synthesis Workshop
25 September - 28 September 2007
Seattle, WA
- Workshop Participant List
- Workshop Agenda
- U.S. GLOBEC Synthesis Implementation Plan
- First Pan-Regional Synthesis Workshop Report (DRAFT)
- Pan-Regional Synthesis AO
The U.S. GLOBEC National Office announces that its Second Annual Pan-Regional Synthesis Workshop will be held in Seattle WA at the Watertown and University Inn. A draft report from the First Pan-Regional Synthesis Workshop can be found here. The Workshop will open with a plenary address and reception on Tuesday evening, 25 September 2007, and conclude by mid-afternoon on Friday, 28 September 2007. An agenda will be developed and distributed once the registration is completed.
U.S. GLOBEC (GLOBal ocean ECosystems dynamics) is a research program organized by oceanographers and fisheries scientists to address the question of how climate variability including global climate change may affect the structure and function of marine ecosystems. U.S. GLOBEC has comprised three regional programs -- Northwest Atlantic/Georges Bank, Northeast Pacific, and Southern Ocean -- and a series of technology and modeling development projects. A brief introduction to U.S. GLOBEC -- including links to its publications and available datasets -- may be found here.
The focus of the U.S. GLOBEC program is now on comparing and contrasting the results from the different regions in the prior phases of U.S. GLOBEC, and on extending these results with comparisons to, or tests within, other comparable ecosystems. An Announcement of Opportunity for Pan-Regional Synthesis funding will be forthcoming from the National Science Foundation later this summer, with an expected due date for proposals of 1 December 2007. The Announcement of Opportunity may be viewed here.
The purpose of the Second Annual Synthesis Workshop will be to bring together a diverse set of marine and climate scientists to discuss possible approaches to Pan-Regional Synthesis within the context of U.S. GLOBEC, and to continue the process of forming partnerships to develop proposals in response to the Pan-Regional Synthesis Announcement of Opportunity. A particular goal of the Workshop is to engage scientists who are new to U.S. GLOBEC and may bring important new insights to the synthesis effort.
How to register: Those wishing to attend the Workshop should indicate their interest at the Workshop registration web site. Those who are unable to attend in person, but who are nonetheless interested in the proceedings of the Workshop, can also so indicate via this Website. Web-based streaming of the plenary sessions of the Workshop may be available. All persons who register, whether they attend in person or not, will be added to the Workshop e-mail list.
In case of over-subscription: The U.S. GLOBEC National Office is committed to ensuring broad scientific participation in the Workshop. Nonetheless, seating is finite, and attendance will be limited to 60 participants. In case of over-subscription, the Workshop Executive Committee will decide among those who have registered their interest in attending. Notification of acceptance and travel support will be made on a rolling basis, beginning 10 August.
Travel support for this Workshop will be available through the U.S. GLOBEC National Office. Priority for such funding will be given to attendees who are new to the U.S. GLOBEC program. Registration via the Workshop web site on or before 19 August will guarantee consideration for travel support.
Hotels: A block of rooms has been reserved at the Watertown and the University Inn. Reserved rooms will be released to Workshop participants by the U.S. GLOBEC National Office on or before 22 August.
Inquiries concerning the Workshop may be directed to the Chair of the U.S. GLOBEC Scientific Steering Committee, Dr. Dale Haidvogel (