Appendix C. Other Literature Cited

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GLOBEC International Report No. 4. 1993. Report of the first meeting of the ICES/International GLOBEC working group on Cod and Climate Change. Lowestofft, England, June 7-11, 1993. 67pp.

GLOBEC International Report No. 5. 1993. Report of the first meeting of an International GLOBEC working group on Development of an International GLOBEC Southern Ocean Program. Norfolk, Virginia, June 15-17, 1993. 37 pp.

GLOBEC International Report No. 6. 1994. Report of the first meeting of the international GLOBEC working group on Numerical Modeling. Villefranche-sur-mer, France, July 12-14, 1993. 60pp.

GLOBEC International Special Contribution No. 2. (in press). An Advanced Modeling/Observation System (AMOS) for Physical-Biological-Chemical Ecosystem Research and Monitoring (Concepts and Methodology).

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U.S. Department of Commerce. 1992. Our Living Oceans: Report on the Status of U.S. Living Marine Resources, 1992. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-2. 148 pp.

U.S. GLOBEC NEWS. 1993. A pilot study of stratification variability on Georges Bank and its effect on larval fish survival. No. 3. May 1993. 16 pp.