Moored Optical Plankton Counter -- Long-Term Monitoring of Zooplankton and Temperature in Scotian Shelf Waters
by Alex W. Herman
The Scotian Shelf contains several deep basins (Emerald and La Have)
which aggregate and harbor zooplankton during fall and winter months.
As a result of a sampling program starting in 1984 using
Batfish/BIONESS/acoustics (Herman et al. 1991; Sameoto and Herman 1990),
we have found that these copepod populations (mainly Calanus) exhibit
certain annual characteristics. That is, they represent a large
component (~50%) of the shelf Calanus populations from the previous
growth season. They also contain the dominant populations that will seed
the surface waters at the end of winter, thereby commencing the
reproduction and production cycle on the Scotian Shelf. These surface
populations then dominate the central Shelf waters and banks. The
basins contain warm slope water (9-12°C) and are marked by weak
circulation near the bottom thus enabling the copepod populations to
reside there. The Emerald and La Have Basins, therefore, are
focal/observational points for determining the state of the copepod
populations on the Scotian Shelf.
Mounting observational evidence indicates that temperature is a key
factor in controlling zooplankton production and that we should be
monitoring the Emerald/La Have Basins over decadal periods. If
long-term global climate change occurs, will we see its effects in Nova
Scotian shelf water temperatures and zooplankton populations? Two
independent observations indicate that temperature effects produce an
impact on zooplankton populations. First, during the late 1960's, shelf
water temperature decreased as a result of an influx of the Labrador
Current. Temperature of the slope water residing in the Emerald Basin
decreased by 5°C. Intensive zooplankton sampling indicated that species
composition and migrational behaviour changed during this period.
Second, temperature effects on basin zooplankton populations are
currently being observed on decadal time scales. Since 1984 our studies
of the Scotian Shelf and Emerald/La Have Basins indicate that basin
temperatures have decreased from 11.5°C in 1984 to 9.2°C in 1991. These
changes were accompanied by a simultaneous decrease in basin zooplankton
populations by a factor of 4-5.
The Moored Optical Plankton Counter
A pilot mooring program was initiated in September 1991 to monitor
zooplankton populations and temperature continuously in Emerald Basin.
The central sensor of the mooring is a redesigned optical plankton
counter (OPC; Herman 1992; Herman 1988) which is mounted inside a foil
(Fig. 1). The foil aligns itself in the tidal flow and samples
zooplankton via a protruding tunnel. A data logger/power supply mounted
below the OPC controls its operations. An on-board computer contains a
"look-up" table of peak tidal flows (predicted flows based on
experimental data) and "wakes up" twice a day sampling zooplankton for a
period of ~1 hr. Temperature and current are monitored via two
recording current meters mounted above and below the OPC foil.
Figure 2 shows data collected during a test deployment in Emerald Basin
in September 1991. The moored OPC sampled 30 minutes every hour for 24
hours. Current meters situated 5 m below and 15 m above the foil yielded
flow and direction, temperature and salinity information. The data show
that zooplankton counts for Calanus copepodite stages IV & V increased
with current speed. Reliable zooplankton count data can be obtained
only at speeds of >7 cm s-1 which represents a detection limit for the
OPC. Hence, the OPC must sample during periods of peak tidal flow (which
in Emerald Basin ranges between 10-20 cm s-1). Measurement of flow
speed is required to estimate volume of seawater processed through the
Subsequent to this trial deployment, the moored OPC has been deployed
and has functioned reliably in Emerald Basin since September 1991. It
is intended to project the program as far into the future as resources
will permit.
Sampling Strategy
It is clear that a single depth mooring is insufficient to provide a full
and complete picture of zooplankton populations. On the positive side,
a single mooring situated deep in the Emerald Basin can provide
considerable information that would not be otherwise available in, say,
surface layers. The Emerald Basin, as is the case with most shelf
basins, represents a stable and quiescent environment for zooplankton.
Intrusions into basins from external sources occur slowly and rarely
displace zooplankton. Intrusions consist of denser water which cause
upward displacement of existing basin water at an extremely slow rate
(~0.1 mm sec-1). Emerald Basin copepod stocks are dominated by Calanus
finmarchicus stages IV & V (90% of copepod populations present while
within the Scotian Shelf basins; 60% of the entire shelf biomass during
winter). Therefore they are easily monitored by the OPC. Their
migration into the surface layers in winter can be monitored as can the
buildup of basin populations during spring and summer. Generation
cycles (growth and development) can also be monitored by optical
measurement of size distributions. The basin zooplankton layers are
generally homogeneous; the layer is approx. 40 m in vertical thickness
and spatial variability (horizontal) of concentration (no. m-3) is only
a factor of 2X as determined from Batfish sampling. As a result, basin
environments are easily sampled and quite respresentative of shelf
zooplankton over the long-term. At present our sampling scheme has been
extended to 2 depths: one at the center of the copepod layer at 240 m
depth; and one just above the layer at 210 m depth. The OPC at the
latter depth provides information on upward and downward flux out of and
into the deep layer.
Optical Fouling
At depths below 200 m in the Emerald Basin, fouling of the optical
windows is not as serious as in the upper layers. During the fall and
winter of 1991-92, the moored OPC provided continuous data of high
quality and had no fouling problems. However, the spring bloom in April
and subsequent "fallout or raining" of material at depth caused
immediate and intense fouling of the OPC windows rendering the data
unusable. Growth in the upper layers during spring and summer and
subsequent fallout limited our sampling periods. Our highest quality
data has been obtained for the overwintering, nonproductive period.
Various solutions to the fouling problem are being tested for the summer
sampling periods.
Preliminary Data
The overwinter period from December 1991 to April 1992 was sampled
successfully with a moored OPC deployed at 240 m depth in the Emerald
Basin. Our current thought regarding the surface migration of basin
populations has been that these animals migrate to the surface nearly
instantaneously by responding to some cue. The winter period has always
been undersampled by our ships-of-opportunity net-sampling cruises and
the migration period has never been adequately resolved. Figure 3 shows
a record of raw counts per second (not normalized to volume sampled) of
the size group corresponding to Calanus finmarchicus Stages IV-V. The
record shows that the counts decrease rapidly, particularly during the
months of Febuary-March, dwindling to nil in April. This decrease
indicates that the return migration to the surface is a more gradual
process than previously believed. Moreover, return of the deep-dwelling
populations to the surface is completed just prior to the spring surface
Future Direction
Due to its large size, it is difficult to deploy enough moored OPC
samplers to achieve good spatial resolution of zooplankton abundance in
Scotian Shelf Waters. We are currently developing a laser-based OPC
that is more compact, requires only a single pressure case, and is
capable of measuring zooplankton abundances and sizes in static
conditions without flow. The completed development of a laser-based OPC
would enable deployment of a larger number of sensors per mooring, which
would significantly improve vertical resolution of zooplankton abundance
estimates. (Alex Herman is an oceanographer at the Bedford Institute of
Herman, A. W. 1988. Simultaneous measurement of zooplankton and light
attenuance with a new optical plankton counter. Cont. Shelf Res. 8:
Herman, A. W., D. D. Sameoto, Chen Shunnian, M. R. Mitchell, B. Petrie,
and N. Cochrane. 1991. Sources of zooplankton on the Nova Scotia shelf
and their aggregations within deep shelf basins. Cont. Shelf Res. 11:
Herman, A. W. 1992. Design and calibration of a new optical plankton
counter capable of sizing small zooplankton. Deep-Sea Res. 39: 395-415.
Sameoto, D. D., and A. W. Herman. 1990. Life cycle and production of
Calanus finmarchicus in deep basins on the Nova Scotia shelf and
seasonal changes in Calanus spp. Marine Ecology Progress Series 66: